Here's a new discovery course that's relevant to everyone:
Why is College so Expensive?
and Other Important Issues in Higher Education Finance
EOL 199
Fall 2011
3 Credit Hours
Wednesdays 2-4:50pm
126 Wohler’s Hall
This course will explore some of the forces that are reshaping the financing of
postsecondary education in the United States. Using theoretical frameworks from
economics and other disciplines, the course will introduce students to research on
higher education finance. In addition, it will position finance discussions within
contemporary policy debates on topics such as tuition, student debt, financial aid, state
funding of higher education, and the federal role in the support of both students and
institutions of higher education. First Year Discovery Program Course. Students should
enroll in only one Discovery course. Restricted to First Time Freshman students. CRN
58585, Section JD.