Thursday, August 4, 2011

New International Undergraduate Orientation Event

If you're an incoming international student, you should have received an invitation to the event described below. If it sounds interesting to you, make sure to respond to the invitation right away - you'll note they only have room for a certain number of students. Here's the blurb I received about this:
We are writing to inform you of a new orientation seminar designed especially for undergraduate international students admitted for Fall 2011.  All newly-admitted undergraduate students are strongly encouraged to attend this orientation program.  We are asking for your assistance in disseminating this information to relevant faculty, staff, and students.

 The program is scheduled for Saturday, August 27 from 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM at the Activities and Recreation Center (ARC), with lunch provided.  The topics for the program include:
 .     U.S. university and academic expectations
.     personal safety and security;
.     academic and Student Affairs support services;
.     student rights and responsibilities;
.     cross-cultural understanding and social opportunities.
 Formal invitations and a web registration form for the program will be sent to all new international undergraduate students by email.  Space limitations only allow us to accommodate 700, so students are encouraged to register as soon as they receive the invitation.