Please note that Discovery Courses are generally limited to first-year students!
AHS 199: Leadership in Health
Instructors: Renique Kersh, Julie Bobitt and Dave Rosch
3 Hours, 2nd Eight Weeks
TR-3-4:20 p.m.
3019 Khan Annex
Students will learn about prominent and less prominent examples of individuals who are leading the way in enhancing health and well-being locally, regionally, nationally and globally. Each student will understand the important role that one person can play in "changing the world" with a focus on health. Students will analyze leaders using Kouzes and Posner's Leadership Challenge.
RST 199: Leisure and Cultural Diversity
Instructors: Michael Raycraft and Ryan Gower
3 Hours
TR-2-3:15 p.m.
301 Architecture Building
We are all products of our own culture. We view the world in ways we have been conditioned and draw conclusions based on our own ethnocentric perspective. This course will challenge individuals to step outside their orientation by demonstrating how leisure is a central part of the human experience and that it can be used as a vehicle for increased awareness and appreciation of other cultures. We will celebrate the leisure experience by engaging in a series of artistic, sport, religious and recreation activities, developing cross cultural knowledge and skills and examining critical issues and values associated with thriving in an increasingly global world community.
CHLH 260: Medical Ethics (Discovery Section)
Instructor: Stephen Notaro
3 hours
MW-3-4:20 p.m.
3005 Khan Annex, Huff Hall
This course will take a community health perspective in introducing students to a wide range of issues in modern medical ethics. Special focus will be given to how we handle critical ethical issues in health care and how to resolve dilemmas. Particular attention will be given to case studies reviewing end of life decisions. All of us will participate in medical decision making in our lifetimes, as professionals, patients or as family members, so this class has the potential to be enormously influential. The objective of this class will be to empower students with a basic understanding of the forces that shape the medical decisions that they will encounter in their lives. It will address research ethics and ethical issues in clinical practice. This course will inform issues of practical, philosophical importance for all members of our society. First Year Discovery Program course.