Thursday, September 22, 2011

2nd 8-Week Course Option: EPSY203

This is a good option for anyone who's either interested in participating in these discussions (obviously) but also for those who need to add just 1 credit hour to their fall schedule.
The Fall 2011 EPSY 203 Dialogues on Social Issues courses are now open for students to enroll. There is no application process for students this year, so all students need to do is register for a course in the usual manner.

 These are one credit hour, second-half semester courses that invite students to explore some of the most complex social issues facing our society. In this highly participatory learning environment, students have an opportunity to develop their perspective-taking, critical thinking, and other skills leading to more effective intergroup relations.
 The dialogue courses we are offering this semester are as follows:
 Dialogue on Socio-economic Class Status: Mondays, 3-4:50
Race/Ethnicity Intersections dialogue: Tuesdays: 3-4:50
Exploring Sexual Orientation: Tuesdays, 3-4:50
Being White in a Multi-cultural Society: Wednesdays, 11-12:50
Exploring Religious Diversity: Wednesdays, 3-4:50
Liberal/Conservative Political Ideology dialogue: Wednesdays, 3-4:50
Race/ethnicity Dialogue: Wednesdays, 3-4:50
Classes begin the week of October 17